Tuesday, September 15, 2009


M: to confuse, bewilder, or perplex
U: He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions.
U: I'm still baffled by how he pulls it off

M: of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly:
M: common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.
M: of or pertaining to the world, universe, or earth.
U: mundane affairs
U: i was amazed with the philosophical concept that arises from some mundane event.

M: having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things. M: the Omniscient, God.

M: to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course
M: to wander aimlessly; ramble
U: The stream meandered through the valley.
U: The talk meandered on.

M: to derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed; infer
M: to trace the derivation of; trace the course of
U: From the evidence the detective deduced that the gardener had done it.
U: to deduce one's lineage.

M: muddy, slushy, or very wet
U: The field was a sloppy mess after the rain.
M: splashed or soiled with liquid.
M: careless; loose
U: sloppy writing.
M: untidy; slovenly:
U:sloppy clothes; a sloppy eater.
M: overly emotional; gushy
U: sloppy sentimentality.
U: I do not see how the sloppiest reasoner can evade that

digress/ digression
M: to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing; depart from the principal line of argument, plot, study, etc.
M: Archaic. to turn aside.
U: ponder/ing:M: reflect, cogitate, deliberate, ruminate.
M: to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate over.
M: (used with object) to weigh carefully in the mind; consider thoughtfully:
U: He pondered his next words thoroughly.

M: inheritance birthright heritage bequest
M: Law. a gift of property, esp. personal property, as money, by will; a bequest.
M: anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
U: the legacy of ancient Rome.

M: remaining in the consciousness; not quickly forgotten
U: Rahman scored a haunting music for this film
U: haunting memories.

Compiled by: Senthil Ganesh Shenbagamoorthy

Monday, September 14, 2009


M :End (a debt) by setting aside money
M : Beat hard
M : Shy/modest (esp of a girl)
M : Person who is slow waste of time
M : Use in a wrong way for one's own benefit
M : Show off complacently
M : Too talkative
M : Smth or smb that foretells the coming of
M : Poverty
M : Try to win
Compiled by: Dinesh

Friday, September 11, 2009


M: Fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; courageous;
Eg: an intrepid soldier; intrepid spirit.
U: Join the few dozen rich and intrepid souls . . . who have paid hefty deposits to sign up for the first commercial rides into space.

M: abnormal anomalous irregular uncharacteristic
U: He was an aberrant person

M: To annul or abolish by an authoritative act.
M: To put an end to; to do away with.
U: So why is Washington seeking to abrogate the ABM Treaty, to push ahead with its anti-ballistic missile Star Wars programme?

M: wrinkled furrowed creased wrinkly

M: in born, present at birth, hereditary

M: an offencive term that deliberately insults somebody’s intelligence

M: disliked hated out of favor not accepted undignified

M: To destroy or kill a large part of (a group).
M: To inflict great destruction or damage on
U: The fawns decimated my rose bushes.

M: unconventional unusual
M: odd strange weird

M: not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged.
M: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged
M: utterly senseless: an insane plan.
U: The insane local muftis bereaved of any sense of humane feeling used terms for Yasmeen that is derogatory for the whole society.

Compiled by: http://cliffnabird.blogspot.com

Thursday, September 10, 2009


M :Eager/excited

M :Stubborn narrow-minded person

M : Frank straight-forward
U : "I gave them my candid opinion"

M :See with an effort but clearly

M : Still in existence
U : "extant manuscripts"

M :Food for horses and cattle

M : Burst out suddenly/talk ardently
U : "there was a little gush of blood"

M : Make or become silent
U : "hush my baby!"

M : Tiresome
U : "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"

M : Talk excitedly utter rapidly

Compiled by: Dinesh. D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



M: Escape, get away from, dodge
U: Finally, we won this cup which was eluding from us since 2007


M: Admire, respect, venerate, well regard
M: be in awe of, worship something which is great
U: President revered the commandoes for their unsurpassed efforts in hostage rescue operation


M: Feeling of resentment, chip on your shoulder, bitterness
M: hold against, ill will
U: We have no grudges against the local leaders


M: suspected, supposed, so called
U: Police arrested the alleged kidnapper


M: Rule, power, self government, autonomy
M: Self-sufficiency


M: Control, dominate, take over
Related Phrase: Corner the market
U: Hollywood films hog the limelight


M: Bend, buckle, twist
M: warp, misrepresentation, perversion


M: Incentive, boost, make better
U: Your donation has given a fillip to repairs and renovation works


M: Concurrence, agreement, consensus
U: An Indian delegation is expected in Moscow later this month to finalize the accord


M: rise, shoot up, augment
U: The technical problem has been escalated to Technical Support Group


M: Carnival, celebration, Jamboree
M: Function, party
U: My films will be screened at a fete at Houston tomorrow.

Compiled By: Sundar

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


M: struck with overwhelming shock or amazement;
M: filled with sudden fright or horror:
U: They stood aghast at the sight of the plane crashing.
U: I am aghast at this attitude of the so called custodians of religion.

M: not interested or concerned.
M: Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
M: Feeling or showing little or no emotion.

M: Present everywhere at once, or seeming to be
U: Its ubiquity of online information about everything and everyone is tremendous.

M: difficult, tough, hard, laborious, grueling
U: The process of writing the books is an arduous one—stressful and time-consuming.

M: attractive, beautiful, elegant, great-looking
U: That museum has got gorgeous art hanging on the walls

M: a trite, stereotyped expression;
M: a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse
Eg. I thank you from my heart, as sadder but wiser

M: tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing

M: demureness, modesty, good manners, good behaviors, respectability
M: Appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
U: In the Ireland of the 1940's ... the stolidity of a long, empty, grave face was thought to be the height of decorum and profundity.

M: worn or wearied by travel
U: She was wayworn after the long trip.

M: crying out noisily; clamorous.
M: characterized by or uttered with vociferation
U: a vociferous manner of expression.

Compiled by: Ganesh

Monday, September 7, 2009


M : Deceive by a mock action
U : "The midfielder feinted to shoot"

M :Greatly surprised, To put at a loss as to what to think/ say/ do; bewilder.

M :Avoid, to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds

M:Anything that serves as an enticement
M:Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
M:Harass with persistent criticism or carping

M:Draw together unite firmly

M:Quick changeable in character fleeting

M : Shut out from society refuse to meet talk

M : Secret with a hidden meaning

M : Puzzle confuse

M : To apply something warm (to lessen the pain) , to promote the growth or development of rouse, incite
Usage: to foment trouble; to foment discontent.

M : Open disobedience or resistance;
M: The act or an instace of defying
M: Willingness to contend or fight
U: Seemingly in defiance of the laws of physics

M- Meaning
U- Usage

Compiled by: Dinesh
Courtesy: http://www.englishrules.com/


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