Monday, September 7, 2009


Dear All,

This blog is an attempt to share ENGLISH vocabularies between the readers and the moderators to improvise language proficiency.

You can send in your vocabulary collection to where it would go for a formal check to avoid repetitive words etc and would be published in this blog While sending in your article just ensure that it is not breaching any patent (write to for any further detailed clarification required).


1. It is highly impossible to master the entire vocabulary in any language thus sharing the most commonly used vocabulary would be of great help to all who visits the blog.

2. Better to go through the blog quite often to have an idea of the shared vocabulary to avoid repetition

3. Presenting vocabularies with examples would ease the readers to better understand the exact meaning, thereby…
a] would increase their visit
b] Create interest in them to share the words that they found useful
c] Create a good will for our Blog

4. Preference may be given to vocabularies that are spoken day in and day out.

5. Better an article with 10 words with all set of proper explanation, real world examples rather than bunch of thousand words.

6. The sender should courtesy the source, provide URL-if it would be helpful for readers and can sign their collection so readers could easily identify them

7. We can, in future, subject to the reach of the blog, can request our readers to send in their ENGLISH related articles that can be categorized and presented in our blog with their names.

You can also join us through, YahooGroup!!

Suggestions are welcome.

Thank you for your visit.

The owners (,,

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